aka my favorite parts of my home. I strongly believe that you need to have some places in your house that just make you happy--whether the dishes are done, whether the laundry is done, or you are just having a crappy day.
My walls are not actually this yellow, I promise. It's the shadows. But we painted the walls yellow (which I'm sure some of you are just shuddering with disgust) because yellow is bright. It is happy. And we have the biggest windows that let in light, so we wanted to play off of that.
My favorite picture on our wall. Short story time: So I was wrapping a present for my mother-in-law. I found this random paper from a cupboard in my house and wrapped it. Then my mom kind of freaked out because it was my grandma's, but we gave it to her anyway. She knew that it was my grandma's paper so she saved it and framed it for me. So now I have my three favorite ladies all in one frame. Love love love.
My mirror and the lights are my faaaavorite. We got the mirror from Home Depot. We made that little shelf where all of our things are sitting.
Can you tell I like colors yet?
This was a DIY project with my sister-in-law. Don't look super close otherwise you'll see all of my mistakes. But we found this at Walmart for like $3?!
My favorite wall. I just like pictures.
My brother-in-law (is that what you call a sister-in-laws husband?) gave me this for Christmas! Oh, chalkboard. I love you.
I have a BRIGHT yellow door. Do you hate me yet? BUT I have a theory. Like you can have friends over and you don't have to do the dishes or sweep the floor. Their eyes are going to be in a trance the whole time. You are covered. Yellow doors are like a safety net.
My favorite wall. It's a little crazy, but I love it. ALSO, DANI: your grandma gave me that frying pan clock for my ward shower. Don't you love it?!
So I have a blue fireplace. I'm not really sure why. Like I said, tan walls call for crazy colors.
P.S. I'm not showing you my kitchen because I don't feel like doing dishes. xoxo.
GOD BLESS MY ABUELA! Oh my goodness, that woman. What a dame. Also, thank you for sharing your beautiful home. So much inspiration for when Tyler and I when we get to a new place. <3